Safe Host plans data center in Beringen

The Geneva-based data center operator Safe Host wants to build a new data center in Beringen (SH).

Safe Host is planning a data center in the canton of Schaffhausen (Image: scanrail - depositphotos)

Safe Host wants to build the data center on the site of the former SIG tennis club. According to a media release, the building application was submitted on April 9. Two projects are to be approved: Firstly, the data center with its ancillary buildings, and secondly, a new substation of the Electricity Works of the Canton of Schaffhausen (EKS), which, among other things, is to enable the feed-in of larger quantities of renewable energy.

This is because the data center will generate its own solar power: photovoltaic arrays are to be installed on free roof areas and on the south facade. In addition, the plans envisage heating the office complex with the waste heat from the data center. As far as possible, rainwater will be stored and processed for cooling.

The Beringen data center will be Safe Host's fifth. One project is currently under construction in Rafz (ZH), and three others already exist in the greater Geneva area. (ah)

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