Basel: Cooperatives build on Walkeweg
The two cooperatives Gewona Nord-West and Zimmerfrei are taking over part of the site in Basel's Walkeweg development area to build around 150 apartments.

The Walkeweg site is one of the larger development areas in the canton of Basel-Stadt, where 650 affordable apartments, green spaces and an elementary school with kindergarten are planned. Part of the site belongs to the residents' municipality of the city of Basel.
Gewona North-West and Zimmerfrei have concluded the letter of intent for a building lease agreement with the residents' municipality, which has been approved by the government council. This means that the first 150 apartments on the development site will be built by the two cooperatives.
According to the government council, Gewona North-West and Zimmerfrei will carry out an urban planning-architectural variance procedure this year and next year, which will also include footpath connections and three pocket parks. The apartments are to be realized according to the principle "low cost - low energy": Rental prices should be in the lower price segment for new buildings and energy and other resources should be used sparingly.
According to the project plan, construction is to begin in 2023. The apartments are expected to be ready for occupancy in 2025. (ah)