Berne: Study contract for Wankdorf neighborhood starts

In the northern quarter of the city of Bern, a 50,000 square meter area is to be built over. A study commission is to show what the new Wankdorf neighborhood could look like in concrete terms.

The study contract for the Quartierstadt Wankdorf has begun (Symbolic image: khunaspix - depositphotos)

The site of just under 50,000 square meters is located directly by Wankdorf station, between the SBB tracks, Wankdorffeldstrasse and Stauffacherstrasse. The site is currently occupied by commercial buildings and warehouses. In the future, it will be home to Quartierstadt Wankdorf, a diverse urban district with a focus on residential development. Six developers have joined forces to develop the site: Gebäudeversicherung Bern (GVB), AXA Investment Managers, Halter AG, Hessag AG, Genossenschaft Migros Aare and Alb. Wahlen AG. The building lease provider is the Burgergemeinde Bern.

As a first step towards site planning, a study contract according to SIA was initiated at the end of April 2021. Six interdisciplinary planning teams are to develop different ideas for the site. In addition to the form of development and use, ideas for accessibility, social mix, sustainable mobility and climate protection measures are to be presented, according to the developers. According to the city's specifications, one third of the apartments are to be made available at affordable prices.

The study results are to serve as a basis for further planning of the site. The constructional realization is targeted for the years 2025 to 2028. (ah)

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