Aarau: Eniwa is planning a development on the banks of the River Aare

The energy supplier Eniwa wants to develop a 10,000 sqm site in Aarau into a residential quarter and sell it under building law.

Aarau (Image: Freaktalius, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons)

Eniwa Kraftwerk AG owns a 10,164 sqm plot of land on Erlinsbacherstrasse in Aarau, directly on the banks of the River Aare. For the development of the site, the energy company has now announced a project competition in a selective procedure, with which it is looking for a developer or building lease holder.

According to the invitation to tender in the official gazette, the aim is to create a high quality urban and architectural development that stands out in terms of sustainability and energy efficiency. As an energetic site of the future, the development is to take on a model function with regional impact.

According to the information provided, the main focus of use is residential, with the aim of building high-quality rental housing at affordable rents. To a lesser extent, non-disruptive service uses are possible, which complement the residential and contribute to the revitalization of the area. (ah)

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