Berne: Start of construction for urban 2000-watt development

With the laying of the foundation stone, work began at the beginning of July on a new residential development with around 100 apartments on the site of the former nursing training centre in Berne.

The "Milet" project by B Architekten (Image: zVg)

The developer of the residential development at Reichenbachstrasse 118, which is designed as a 2000-watt project, is the City of Bern's Fund for Land and Housing Policy. According to the city, the apartments will be offered at cost rent, 24 of which will be in the "Low-cost housing with rental criteria (GüWR)" segment. Voters approved the necessary building loan of CHF 57.1 million in September 2020. The development is expected to be completed in the spring of 2023, with rentals starting in the summer of 2022.

Construction is being carried out according to plans by Bern-based Büro B Architekten AG. Their "Milet" project consists of four buildings grouped around a centrally located courtyard and will offer 2.5- to 5.5-room apartments. More than half of the 104 planned units are family apartments with at least four rooms. In addition, two so-called cluster apartments with six and a half rooms are planned, which are suitable for shared apartments, for example.

Two of the four buildings are being constructed as plus-energy houses; over the course of the year, they thus produce more energy than they consume. The development will have a low-car footprint and be certified as a 2000-watt site. The city has already received the initial certification with the label "2000-Watt-Areal in development" in 2019. (bw)

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