Langenthal: Development of the Porzi site only after 2025

The municipality of Langenthal (BE) wants to develop the Porzi site into a diversely used urban district. Since the construction of new buildings in particular is controversial, only existing buildings are to be developed for the time being.

The Porzi site in Langenthal is to become a mixed-use neighborhood (Image: Minervastock/Depositphotos)

The site of the former porcelain factory in the south of Langenthal is to become a subcenter with a broad mix of uses. However, opinions differ as to how exactly the site should be developed. According to Langenthal's municipal council, the participation in the test planning showed that there is agreement on the idea of using the Porzi site in a more lively and diverse way. However, the participants disagreed on which uses should be permitted and how to deal with the existing buildings and further developments.

The municipal council also wants to allow housing on the site in the future. The particularly controversial question of whether there should also be high-rise buildings on the Porzi site, however, will be "examined and questioned again in detail as part of the further processing," the municipal council writes in its statement.

In a next step, the city wants to work out a planning agreement together with the landowners, which will define the zoning procedure. However, the city does not want to start this zoning procedure until 2025. Until a new zoning code is in place, the existing buildings can be further developed within the framework of the current building and zoning regulations for commerce and services, according to the municipal council. (ah)

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