Bern: City examines measures against climate change

The Bern City Council wants to develop a city-wide climate analysis and urban planning measures to better adapt the city to climate change.

The city of Bern is considering measures to adapt to climate change (Image: Blackboard1 - depositphotos)

In addition to climate protection, adaptation to climate change is a growing priority, according to the city council. For some years now, it has been getting hotter and hotter in the city of Bern, especially in the summer months: sealed surfaces or heat-storing building materials heat up the city considerably during the day, while there is hardly any cooling at night. This summer's heavy rainfall events also impressively demonstrated the need for sustainable drainage management.

The municipal council has therefore triggered the preparation of a city-wide climate analysis and urban planning measures for adaptation to climate change. The aim is to create a basis for urban and open space planning by 2022. The core objective is to take climate change adaptation measures into account in a more targeted manner and to coordinate and implement them more efficiently. (ah)

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