Cham: Start of construction for second stage on Papieri site

The Cham Group has received the building permits for two high-rise residential buildings that are being constructed as part of the second stage on the Papieri site. Construction work will start shortly.

The K and I high-rise buildings are being built as part of the second phase on the Papieri site (Image: Cham Group)

With the second construction phase, the Cham Group is building two high-rise residential buildings in areas I and K. After the building permits were received at the beginning of December, work on building K will start immediately, the Cham Group announced. Construction of an underground car park has already begun. According to Cham Group, construction work on House I will begin in spring 2022, when construction of the OYM sports boarding school is also due to start on the site of the former silo building. The building application for this has already been submitted, the company says.

The two high-rise buildings will provide 36 rental apartments and 61 condominiums, as well as commercial space on the ground floors. A daycare center will occupy 440 sqm of space and will care for around 40 children there from 2024. (ah)

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