Starting signal for development of the Papieri site in Biberist

Hiag begins demolition work on the Papieri site in Biberist to make room for new settlements.

The Papieri site in Biberist (Source: Hiag)

In recent years, Hiag Immobilien Holding has sold equipment and paper machines located on the site, and now the 272,000 sqm site is to be transformed. To this end, Hiag wants to create space for users from the commercial and industrial sectors with the "Freiraum Mitte" project. Since the building fabric in many places is designed for paper production, not all halls can be converted, Hiag reports. In order to increase the chances of new settlements by future tenants, part of the site is already to be demolished.

A total of around 250,000 cubic meters of buildings and halls will be demolished on the Papieri site; Hiag recently received the building permit for this from the municipality of Biberist. According to the company, the demolition will provide around 15,000 square meters of building land for production and commercial operations. The replacement building will have a usable area of around 12,000 sqm to 14,000 sqm. The disposal of the building pollutants is already underway, and the demolition of the buildings is expected to continue until the end of the year. (ah)

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