City of Zurich enables retirement apartments in Greencity
It should also be possible to build retirement apartments and care facilities on construction site B6 in Greencity in Zurich. The corresponding amendment to the design plan has been approved.

Building site B6 is the last undeveloped plot of land in Greencity. In order to secure its socially and urbanistically sustainable development, the supplementary private design plan has now been partially revised, according to the city of Zurich. The reason is a change in the initial situation: The use was previously limited to services and commerce, but this no longer meets the needs of the neighborhood and the economy. Therefore, in addition to the existing commercial and service use, apartments for the elderly, care and educational facilities are also to be possible on the B6 site.
According to the City of Zurich, the change of use will create new qualities for the entire neighborhood and enable a broader range of services in Manegg. In the event of a later need, it should also be possible to realize rooms for public school purposes. If apartments for the elderly, care facilities or school space are built, an inner courtyard connected to Maneggplatz would have to be created as a landscaped recreation area.
Greencity is a project by Losinger Marazzi. On the eight-hectare former Sihlpapier site in the Manegg area, a sustainable urban neighborhood has been under construction since 2015. (ah)