Replacement for the Probstei housing estate is planned in Zurich

The Sunnige Hof housing cooperative wants to renew its housing stock and is planning a replacement building for its Probstei West and East housing estate in Zurich-Schwamendingen.

The winning project for the Probstei West and East housing estate (Photo: Tom Licht, Zurich)

The Sunnige Hof housing cooperative plans to replace the 36 terraced houses on Dübendorfstrasse dating from 1945 with new buildings containing around 135 apartments. Also planned are switch rooms and guest rooms, a community room, studios and a double kindergarten. The Zurich Building Authority held an architectural competition on behalf of the cooperative, which was won by the team of mmmr Architekten from Zurich.

The winning project "the three magnets" makes a contribution to the modernization of the garden city Schwamendingen, according to the jury's statement: Three seven-story compact building rows are placed close to Dübendorfstrasse and thus at the greatest possible distance from the protected buildings of the Gründeretappe. In the eastern section, both volumes are one story lower out of consideration for the neighboring buildings. In the lower section of the parcel in the west, a head building closes off the ensemble from the neighboring parcel. A large garden area is to be created within the development, and parking will be provided in an underground garage located entirely beneath the buildings. (ah)

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