UBS pension fund buys Attisholz uno in Riedholz
The UBS pension fund becomes the landowner of Attisholz uno, the 73,000 sqm core site of the Attisholz generation project in Riedholz.

The Attisholz site is one of the largest brownfield sites in Switzerland, and with the UBS pension fund, one of the country's largest pension funds is now getting involved in the project. Halter AG and the pension fund have signed purchase agreements for the approximately 73,000 sqm core area, known as Attisholz uno. The site comprises the area around the boulevard, which is already open to the public, and the square on the Aare with the gravel kiln hall up to the administration building. The remaining area of around 420,000 square meters remains the property of Halter.
Halter will realize the individual projects on the core site under a building lease model; according to the real estate company, the building lease agreement runs for 100 years. With the sale of the site, the value-added tax in the amount of CHF 11.1 million also became due to the municipality of Riedholz.
The signing of the contract with the UBS pension fund puts the further development of the generation project on a very solid economic footing, Halter announces. Andreas Campi, Managing Director of Halter Developments, says that the entry of the pension fund Immediately after the legal validity of the land use planning is "a strong commitment to the Attisholz site and thus also to the Solothurn region as an attractive place to live, work and live".
The UBS pension fund says it is very confident about the future site positioning. "The investment horizon of our investments extends over several generations. A forward-looking, long-term project like Attisholz is a perfect fit," says Thomas Jeney, head of the UBS pension fund.
Halter wants to redevelop the site on the Aare River, where the Attisholz cellulose factory was in operation until 2008, in stages. By 2045, a total of 1,200 apartments and 50,000 square meters of commercial space as well as 170,000 square meters of public boulevards, promenades and squares are to be built. On the core area alone, around 740 apartments for 1,250 people are planned, and at the same time several hundred new jobs are to be created. (ah)