Start of construction on the Suttergut North in Burgdorf

In Burgdorf, construction work has begun on the first new building on the Suttergut Nord development site.

The Aeral Suttergut North in Burgdorf (Source: IG Aebiareal)

Espace Real Estate is realizing a residential and service building on the corner of Lyssachstrasse and Bucherstrasse in Burgdorf. The site, which was previously occupied by a gravel parking lot and a small single-family house, will be the first new building to be constructed under the Suttergut Nord partial development plan. The Aebi machine factory used to be located on the site.

The new building will house various medical practices on the lower floors, with small apartments and staff rooms planned above. The main tenant is the Emmental Hospital. The building is divided into two point buildings with hipped roofs, which are connected by the medical practices. The central wing is closed off with an accessible terrace.

According to the municipality of Burgdorf, the building application was submitted in August 2021. However, various adjustments were necessary during the building permit process in order to bring the building project into line with the extensive special building regulations and the overriding law. No objections were received.

A total of around 40,000 sqm of floor space, including 250 apartments as well as offices, stores and a medical center, is being built on the 22,000 sqm Suttergut Nord site southwest of the train station.  (ah)

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