CSA plans new quarters in Ostermundigen

A mixed-use neighborhood is to be built on the Tägetli site in Ostermundigen. The largest landowner there is the Credit Suisse Investment Foundation.

In Ostermundigen, the Tägetli site is to be developed (Source: davincidig - depositphotos)

The Tägetli site on Obere Zollgasse in Ostermundigen (BE) is currently home to the Intersport building, which was constructed in the mid 19070s, and other existing buildings. These are to be demolished and replaced by new buildings, the municipality announces. The plan is to create the "Tägetli Works Quarter", a dense neighborhood development where people will both work and live. According to a feasibility and potential study from 2020, at least 70 percent residential use is possible.

Together with the landowners, including Credit Suisse Investment Foundation as the largest owner, the municipality is now tackling the site development. The zone with planning obligation (ZPP No. 38 "Werkquartier Nord") will be open for public consultation until July 22. A project competition will then be held.

The development is a first concrete implementation of the goals set out in the Spatial Development Strategy (RES) and thus a first step in the direction in which the municipality should develop, Ostermundigen says. (ah)

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