New use for the Josef site in Zurich West

Large parts of the Josef site in Zurich West will become available for new uses in a few years. The Zurich City Council has now approved a development concept.

The site of the Josefstrasse waste-to-energy plant will soon be put to new use (Photo: Juliet Haller, AfS)

The Josef site comprises the property of the Josefstrasse waste-to-energy plant and that of the central laundry. The CHP plant will be converted into an energy center and the building complex of the central laundry will be used temporarily until the end of 2025. From 2026, a large part of the site, a good 20,000 square meters, will be freed up for new uses, according to the city of Zurich.

An expansion of the Werkhof is planned, as well as a health center for the elderly in combination with apartments for the elderly, an indoor swimming pool and a neighborhood park. Supplementary public-oriented uses such as meeting rooms for the neighborhood are also planned.

The development concept for the site, which was approved by the city council, specifies the location of buildings and the neighborhood park and defines overarching principles for the desired urban development and urban qualities. Now follows the project planning phase with an architectural competition, the development of a building project and a referendum. The new uses on the Josef site should be ready for occupancy by 2032. (ah)

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