Raiffeisen Futura streamlines portfolio
The Raiffeisen Futura Immo Fonds has disposed of a residential property in Zwingen in the canton of Basel-Landschaft. The new owner is an institutional investor.

At the end of the 2021/2022 financial year, the Raiffeisen Futura Immo Fund sold its property at Reckholderstrasse 44-48 in Zwingen (BL), partly because the net return at fund level was below average.
There were also other reasons for the sale, according to Raiffeisen. Zwingen, for example, is a small municipality with fewer than 3,000 inhabitants, and the company sees an increasing risk of vacancies in the region. The sustainability characteristics as well as the net yield would have been below the average of the fund portfolio, in addition, a redevelopment cycle is pending and the maintenance costs would increase.
The fund sold the property at a profit in a bidding process, and the new owner is an institutional investor. The capital made available by the sale was invested in the acquisition of another property with a higher sustainability rating and better return prospects, Raiffeisen said. (ah)