Basel: Concept for new district on Klybeck site presented
Swiss Life, Rhystadt and the Canton of Basel-Stadt have unveiled plans for the city's largest development site. The project comprises 885,000 sqm of gross floor area.

The conversion of a huge industrial area in the north of Basel is taking shape. The planning partners Canton Basel-Stadt, Swiss Life and Rhystadt have presented what is to happen on the 30-hectare Klybeck site. The dimensions are considerable: The future district will have apartments for 8,500 people and space for 7,500 workplaces. In the long term, 885,000 square meters of gross floor space will be built on an area of 288,000 square meters, of which 360,000 square meters will go to Swiss Life, 475,000 square meters to Rhystadt and 50,000 square meters to the canton. The plans envisage more than 20 high-rise buildings, but also areas with perimeter block development.
The formulation of the urban planning model Klybeckplus comprises 140 pages and is intended to guarantee that the new district will be "green, mixed and climate-friendly". Design cornerstones are the creation of a large park on the Klybeckmatte and another park on the Rhine with the Rhine Terrace. Densified development with residential and commercial buildings should allow for green open space. In addition, the district is to become a role model in energy production. "The goal is for the majority of the energy required to be produced in the district itself," write the project's creators. In the new district, getting around on foot and by bike has the right of way.
A planning team of Diener & Diener Architects, Vogt Landscape Architects, the traffic experts from Gruner and the curator Martin Heller as well as a professional accompanying committee participated in the concept. It is the basis for the land use planning as well as for the intended urban development contract between the canton of Basel-Stadt and the landowners. (aw)