Starting signal for the Aere housing estate in Reinach/Aesch

The foundation stone for the Aere residential development has been laid on the former Stöcklin site. More than 250 apartments, a retirement home and service and commercial areas are being built.

The planned development on the Stöcklin site in Reinach/Aesch (Image: HRS Real Estate)

The 35,000 sqm former Stöcklin site on the territory of the municipalities of Reinach and Aesch is located directly on the River Birs and within walking distance of the historic center of Dornachbrugg. It belongs to the real estate investment foundation Turidomus, Senevita and HRS Investment.

HRS will build approximately 120 condominiums in two of a total of three residential towers. Turidomus is building 140 rental apartments as well as service and commercial space. On a third part of the site, apartments for assisted living and care places are being built, which will be operated by Senevita.

The buildings for Turidomus and Senevita are also being developed, planned and realized by HRS. The laying of the foundation stone for the superstructure was celebrated on September 21, 2022. According to HRS, completion will take place in stages from summer 2024. (ah)

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