Berne: Major project Weyermannshaus West one step ahead
Bern's municipal council has submitted the superstructure regulations for the development of the Weyermannshaus West site to the canton for preliminary examination. Among other things, 800 to 1,000 apartments are planned.

Together with the two landowners, Burgergemeinde Bern and Post Immobilien, the City of Bern is aiming for a densification with a residential share of 80%, workplaces as well as retail, gastronomy and services and culture. The results of the consultation process in summer 2019 include a central green area in the center of the site and improved connections to the Untermatt neighborhood. According to the city, a noise survey has shown that commercial, service and residential uses can coexist despite structural densification. The planning proposal does not include any restrictions on commercial uses. Existing businesses are guaranteed to exist under building law. In addition, the current building rights of the Burgergemeinde Bern remain in place.
After the consultation, the plan to move the Bern Stöckacker suburban train stop in the direction of Europaplatz became more concrete. This significantly changed the access situation of the Weyermannshaus West site. Thus, the development along the railroad line had to be adapted in the planning draft. In addition, a new square is planned on Stöckackerstrasse to provide access to the site and a transition to the new Europaplatz Nord S-Bahn stop.
Referendum the year after next
It is expected that voters will be able to decide on the planning proposal in the 2nd quarter of 2024. (aw)