Basel: Nestlé sells part of the Thomi + Franck site

The new owner intends to use the property on Eimeldingerweg for cultural, circular economy and neighborhood activities, with apartments planned for later.

Basel (Image: bloodua - depositphotos)

The siblings Corinne, Dominik and Gabriel Eckenstein, known as patrons of the arts, have taken over part of the Thomy mustard and mayonnaise factory site under building rights, reports the Basler Zeitung (BaZ). The site previously belonged to the Nestlé food group.

The new owners have appointed Franck Areal AG as the operating company, which is backed, among others, by architect Barbara Buser and interim use specialist Pascal Biedermann. The two have worked on similar development projects such as the Gundeldinger Feld, according to BaZ.

A "hub for sustainability, the circular economy, culture and the neighborhood community" is to be created on the part of the site, BaZ quotes from a press release. With its planned uses, the site is ideally positioned between the existing new Erlenmatt quarter and the Klybeck plus development area. The first tenants will be the Kreislauf Haus and Impact Hub Basel associations, followed by interim cultural uses. Apartments are also planned for a later date.

Nestlé will continue to produce Thomy brand mustard and mayonnaise on the part of the site that will remain in its ownership, it says. (ah)

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