St. Gallen: Start of construction for 135 apartments in Wolfganghof
For an investment volume of CHF 65 million including land, the St.Galler Pensionskasse (SGPK) is building 135 rental apartments in the south construction phase of the Wolfganghof.

Work on the new Wolfganghof construction phase has recently begun, according to SPKG. Over the next two and a half years, five new apartment buildings and areas for commercial use will be built. Construction will be carried out in accordance with the Swiss Sustainable Building Standard (SNBS).
Based on the legally binding special use plan, primarily smaller rental units in a size of 2.5 to 4.5 rooms are being created, which are designed to be barrier-free. Rooms for medical or health practices, daycare centers and coworking spaces are also planned.
Occupation of the rental properties is planned from the end of 2025. (aw)
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