CLL acquires residential project on Lake Hallwil
The real estate investment manager CLL has acquired a projected residential ensemble in Meisterschwanden.

The residential project comprises four new buildings with 37 high-quality condominiums in Meisterschwanden (AG). The project also includes community rooms and a fitness area. CLL is executing the project together with the original developer and seller of the project Aevo Development AG as project manager. A building permit has already been issued.
The design by Estimo Architekten from Dietikon envisages four apartment buildings on a southern slope. They will be built from fall 2023 on the former Lenzareal on a site area of around 7,500 square meters along Flückenstrasse. Between the buildings, several inner courtyards are planned as play, meeting and recreation areas.
According to CLL, the apartments will have 3.5 to 6.5 rooms and be approximately 130 sq. ft. to 230 sq. ft. in size. The total living space is more than 5,000 sqm. The apartments are suitable for families with children and offer panoramic views of Lake Hallwil, CLL writes in a statement. (ah)