Erlinsbach: Future of the Swisscom building is open

Swisscom actually wanted to sell its property in the middle of the residential district of Erlinsbach. Now, however, a sale seems to be off the table for the time being.

Erlinsbach (Image: YvesCH62, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Swisscom is the owner of an almost 50-year-old building at Josef-Reinhard-Strasse 58 in Erlinsbach (SO), in the middle of a residential neighborhood. As recently as the beginning of the year, the company wanted to sell the 1,800-square-meter plot for CHF 1.2 million, several local media report, Among them the Lucerne newspaper. A "larger residential development" is conceivable, up to two-story buildings are allowed there, the report says.

According to the newspaper, however, it is now unclear whether the company will actually sell its building. In response to an inquiry, Swisscom said that it was still unclear how the building would be used in the future. (ah)

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