Bern: Yes to land transfer on the Viererfeld
In Bern, the allocation of two large building rights on the Viererfeld site has been approved by voters. Both the Hauptstadtgenossenschaft and Mobiliar can realize their projects in the first construction phase.
With 75.77% of votes in favor, the citizens of Berne gave their blessing to the project of the Hauptstadtgenossenschaft (HGB). The Mobiliar project received 66.93% of the votes.
HGB will build around 200 affordable apartments with a variety of first floor uses at the entrance to the new district near the inner narrows. Housing for people with disabilities is also planned. Mobiliar is planning 75 apartments on the site.
A new urban quarter with 1,140 apartments is to be built on Viererfeld/Mittelfeld. Half of the living space in Viererfeld and at least half of the living space in Mittelfeld is reserved for non-profit housing construction. The first residential buildings should be ready for occupancy in 2029. The two building rights held by HGB and Mobiliar are the largest and had to be approved by voters as the value of the plots exceeds CHF 10 million (IB reported). (aw)