Wohlen: Belano Zuhause is open
The Belano Zuhause apartment building in Wohlen has been completed and officially opened. In addition to 38 apartments, the project also includes communal areas and a range of services.

The Belano Zuhause at Jurastrasse 10A in Wohlen (AG) has been officially opened. The Ahorn apartment building comprises 38 apartments (1.5 to 3.5 rooms) as well as a cafeteria, a studio and a fitness room. According to Belano, "almost all apartments" have been let and were occupied at the beginning of May. The units are barrier-free and are aimed at senior citizens, families, couples and single people of all ages. Tenants can book various services, and there is a round-the-clock service for medical and technical emergencies.
The investor in Belano Zuhause in Wohlen is the Profond Investment Foundation. Its Managing Director Alex Schärer says that the concept fills a gap in the offering: "It is flexible, not an explicit care or healthcare facility and offers residents countless benefits. It promotes social aspects such as living together and creates opportunities for socializing in the communal areas." (ah)