Bern: Start of construction in Wankdorfcity 3

The first excavators are moving in for the Wankdorfcity 3 construction project. The Immofonds, which is planning a new quarter with an above-ground floor area of 100,000 square meters for living, working, business and leisure on an area of 34,000 square meters, has announced this.

This is the project model that was created as part of the test planning (Image: Immofonds)

The first work begins while the planning teams fine-tune the final details of the major project. The new service building is already being built so that some of the businesses currently located on the site can continue to work there during the construction phase. Construction work on the actual Wankdorfcity 3 is then scheduled to start at the end of 2024 and is expected to last until 2029.

The project north of the Wankdorf S-Bahn station comprises buildings up to 75 m high with studio and generational apartments, commercial housing, offices and service areas. The site to be built on is located in the area covered by the "Surroundings of Wankdorf S-Bahn stations" development plan from 2003. In order to realize the planned development, a minor amendment to the existing development plan was necessary. This came into force at the beginning of September 2022, creating the legal basis for the realization. The planning application for the service building was approved at the beginning of June.

The development should not lose its human scale through niches and open spaces, despite its density. The first test planning model was submitted two years ago by Rolf Mühlethaler. City planner Mark Werren praises the planning process: "As the owner, Immofonds did not simply rely on a fixed program, but instead embarked on a broad-based development path together with the city and initially worked with different scenarios," he says. "We approached the complex task in a learning and collaborative manner." (aw)

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