Zurich: Major Seebahn-Höfe project clears important hurdle

The city of Zurich has approved the private design plan for the project. The ABZ and BEP housing cooperatives are planning living space for around 1,000 people in District 4.

Visualization of the planned Seebahn-Höfe development in Zurich's Kreis 4 district (Image: Rafael Schmid Architekten, Zurich)

Milestone for the large-scale Seebahn-Höfe project by Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Zürich ABZ and BEP Baugenossenschaft des eidgenössischen Personals: The Zurich Department of Building Construction has approved the private design plan for the project.

BEP and ABZ want to build two new replacement buildings on Seebahnstrasse in District 4 and create apartments for 1,000 people. There is currently only half as much living space in the existing buildings. At least one in five new apartments will be subsidized and thus reserved for low-income households, according to the ABZ and BEP. A cost rent is planned for the other apartments, so that they will also be in the affordable segment.

Broad mix of apartments and public uses

The aim is to achieve a broad mix: family apartments, small apartments for the elderly and space for communal forms of living are planned. Studio and commercial space is planned for the first floors of both developments, for example for a café on Anny-Klawa-Platz. There will also be a daycare center, a double kindergarten and two community rooms. The number of parking spaces is to be reduced to below the minimum required by the parking regulations.

The private design plan for Seebahn-Höfe will now be submitted to the public, approved by the city council and discussed in the city parliament. BEP and ABZ expect it to come into force at the end of 2024. The two building cooperatives each already have a construction project that has already been approved by their members. Construction will start in summer 2025 at the earliest. (ah)

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