Bern: City wants to buy SNSF real estate package
The Swiss National Science Foundation no longer needs the centrally located properties because it is planning a new building in Wankdorf City.

The City of Bern wants to acquire the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) property on Wildhainweg in Länggasse in order to secure land in a central location. The purchase price is CHF 31.3 million and corresponds to the market value, according to the city. In order to allow for price increases up to the time of purchase, a price indexation has been agreed, whereby the purchase price may not rise above CHF 33.5 million. The commitment credit that the municipal council is proposing to the city council for the attention of voters is CHF 33.9 million and, in addition to the purchase price, includes other costs such as the assumption of shares in renewal funds and notary fees.
The properties are a total of four buildings or building complexes or parts of buildings at Wildhainweg 3, 7/7a, 20/20a and 21/21a/21b/19/19a. The SNSF currently uses the premises mainly as offices. According to a feasibility study, conversion to residential space is partially possible. However, according to the City of Bern, it has not yet been determined how the properties will be used in the future.
The SNSF is selling the properties because it is planning a new building in the Wankdorf City district and no longer needs the properties on Wildhainweg. According to the City of Bern, a preliminary purchase agreement has already been signed. The actual purchase transaction will take place once the SNSF has moved into the new building. This will be the case in 2026 at the earliest, according to the City of Bern. (ah)