Dietikon: Station area to be redesigned
Among other things, the plan is to create new residential and commercial space. The winner of the architectural competition has now been announced.

SBB and the city of Dietikon want to develop the station area into an attractive location for living and working and a public transport hub. The project competition was won by a design by Hosoya Schaefer Architekten from Zurich and Bryum Landschaftsarchitekten from Basel, as announced by SBB and the city.
The SBB sub-project envisages preserving and extending the station building from 1977. The apartments in the building will be gently renovated and further affordable residential units are planned in the extension. On the first floor The lower floors of the station building will house travel-related uses and a bicycle station. In the extension of the station building, the "Hohe Haus Süd", office and service uses are planned for the lower floors and apartments above. The first floor will be used by the public.
SBB plans apartments, offices and retail space
SBB plans to expand the center on the north site: According to the project website, the first floors will be used for public and residential purposes, the upper floors for apartments and the second floor of the high-rise building for office and service space. A service and office building is being constructed opposite the district building.
According to the factsheet for the project, a total of 14,000 square meters of residential space, 3,300 square meters of office space and 1,700 square meters for retail and services will be created. SBB expects construction to begin in 2029 and the building to be occupied in 2031.
The winning project also provides for a redesign of the public space. A tree canopy will connect the center of Dietikon with the train station. The final stops of the bus station will be divided into two bus islands. Under the tree canopy is a chaussiered area, which is intended as a space for movement and recreation. There will be space for event areas, fountains and seating. This overall concept gives the area a strong identity and enhances the station area as a public transport hub and at the same time as an attractive place to stay and meet, writes the town of Dietikon in a press release. The unsealing and greening will also greatly improve the urban climate. (ah)