Basel: Steiner presents winning design for project at Aeschplatz

The 150-meter-long former UBS building on Basel's Aeschplatz is to be transformed into a mixed-use building according to the designs by Staufer & Hasler and Graser Troxler.

This is what the area could look like after the transformation (Image: zVg)

The site of the former UBS building at Aeschenplatz 6 in Basel is to be transformed into attractive living, working and leisure space by 2030. As announced by Steiner AG, seven architectural firms drew up designs in summer 2023 to transform the building into a "multifunctional, vibrant urban building block". Steiner is developing the property owned by the Seraina Investment Foundation. Residential use as well as service and commercial businesses and leisure facilities are planned. Steiner writes in a press release that the site development is based on a sustainable, careful use of existing buildings and resources.

The existing building at Aeschenplatz 6 was built in the mid-1980s as the headquarters of Swiss Bank Corporation and was used by UBS until mid-2022. In mid-2021, the Seraina Investment Foundation acquired the property and commissioned Steiner AG with the real estate development. Since July 2022, the premises have been available for various interim uses.

Plot almost the size of two football pitches

The plot covers an area of almost two football pitches and is currently covered by a 150 m long office building. This consists of five floors above ground and is divided into three sections. The basement levels, including the underground garage, extend to a depth of 17 m and cover four floors.
The project team of Staufer & Hasler Architekten AG from Frauenfeld and Graser Troxler Architekten from Zurich won the recently completed study contract. The assessment committee of architects, landscape architects, representatives of the Canton of Basel-Stadt and the client unanimously recommended this design for further development.

The sculpture "Hammering Man" by Jonathan Borofsky has stood in front of the building since 1989. It is to be preserved. (aw)

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