Breitenbach: Steiner can develop the Isola site

Over the next few years, the 114,000 square meter former industrial site will be home to apartments and space for businesses and services.

The Isola site in Breitenbach is to become a neighbourhood (Source: Steiner AG)

The people of Breitenbach (SO) have given the green light for the development of the Isola site in a referendum. In 2021, the then Steiner Investment Foundation (now Seraina Invest) purchased the 114,000 m² site near the village center in order to build a development with residential, service and commercial uses in stages by 2040. According to project developer Steiner, this is the largest contiguous development in the history of the municipality.

As a first step, Steiner now wants to renovate three existing historic buildings and open up the area to the public. The further development of the site is divided into four areas: Apartments are to be built in the Isola-Werke area, but space for services, restaurants, events and leisure is also planned there. The Isola Valley area, on the other hand, will be reserved exclusively for commercial and industrial use. The Isola-Neumatt area, currently in the commercial zone, will become a residential zone. Furthermore, the Lüssel area is to be revitalized and made accessible as a local recreation area.

According to Steiner AG, construction of the first stage, including the respective remediation of contaminated sites, is expected to start in 2029. (ah)

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