Bern: City tackles purchase of SNSF properties
The City of Bern wants to purchase the property portfolio of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) in order to secure land in a central location. The green light has now been given by the responsible city council committee.

The city of Bern has taken a step forward with the planned purchase of the property on Wildhainweg in Länggasse. The City Council's Committee for Resources, Economy, Security and Environment (RWSU) has now discussed the loan for the acquisition of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) property portfolio. "The forward-looking planning and the resulting opportunity to secure real estate in a central location in the city of Bern convinced the committee," it explains. The commission positively highlighted the potential for converting the properties. In future, these could be used as living space, as school space or as commercial and office space, among other things.
The SNSF is planning a new building in the Wankdorf City district, which is why it no longer needs the properties on Wildhainweg and would like to sell them to the city as a complete package. The properties in question are a total of four buildings or building complexes or parts of buildings at Wildhainweg 3, 7/7a, 20/20a and 21/21a/21b/19/19a. A preliminary purchase agreement has already been signed. The actual purchase will take place when the SNSF moves to the new location, which is planned for 2026.
The RWSU is asking the City Council to approve the commitment credit of CHF 33.9 million for the attention of the voters. The sum includes the purchase price of CHF 31.3 million, which may rise to a maximum of CHF 33.5 million as part of a price indexation up to the time of purchase, and other costs such as notary fees and the assumption of shares in renewal funds. (ah)