Zurich: Foundation stone laid for new "Haus zum Falken"

The new building at Stadelhofen station should be completed by the end of 2025. The first tenants of the office and commercial space have already been confirmed.

The foundation stone for the new Haus zum Falken has now been laid. (Image: Axa)

The foundation stone has now been laid for the new "Haus zum Falken" building near Zurich-Stadelhofen station. The client is the Axa Investment Foundation, while Allreal is realizing the building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava as total contractor.

The "Haus zum Falken" will offer office and commercial space in a central location. According to Axa, the first tenants have now also been confirmed: from 2025, Confiserie Bachmann will take over all of the space on the first floor, while Zollikerberg Hospital will occupy two of the four upper floors. On behalf of the City of Zurich, Axa is also building a bicycle station in the basement of the building with around 800 parking spaces spread over three floors.

The schedule for the construction project envisages that the structural work will be completed in the fall of 2024. Construction of the glass façade and interior work is then scheduled to start at the end of 2024. The new building will be completed and ready for occupancy by the end of 2025. (ah)

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