Bolligen: First stage of the Flugbrunnen site completed

The Frutiger Group is building 74 owner-occupied and rental apartments in a total of three phases.

This is what the project currently looks like from a bird's eye view. (Image: Frutiger Group)

The Flugbrunnen site in Bolligen (BE) is taking shape. The first stage with 28 condominiums has been completed and handed over to the owners. This was announced by the Frutiger Group, which is developing the quarter and realizing it as total contractor (IB reported).

Work is now continuing on the interior fit-out of the second stage, in which 14 owner-occupied and 15 rental apartments as well as 240 square meters of commercial space and 64 square meters of storage space will be built. According to the plan, occupation will take place in May next year. A further, third stage is being planned: 17 additional condominiums will be built on the municipal administration site over the next few years. These houses are due to be occupied from 2026. (aw)

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