Villigen: Innovation Park Innovaare is completed

A few days before Christmas, the total service provider Erne AG handed over the Innovation Park in Villigen to the investor CPV/CAP Pensionskasse Coop.

The Innovaare Park in Villigen (Visualization: © ERNE AG Holzbau-Hornberger Architekten AG)

The Innovaare Innovation Park in Villigen (AG), opposite the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, has been completed. On December 20, 2023, Erne AG handed over the building complex to the investor CPV/CAP Pensionskasse Coop. Innovaare AG, as the operating company, is the main tenant of the property, where innovators will work together with large companies, start-ups and SMEs.

The first tenants will move in in January - both new tenants and previously established companies that were previously housed in temporary solutions on the PSI site. According to Innovaare AG, the space occupancy rate is 85%, with PSI occupying around 65% of the space, making it the largest user. (ah)

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