Wettingen: Start of construction for new Klosterbrühl housing estate

The Lägern Wohnen housing cooperative is replacing its Klosterbrühl estate with new buildings. The ground-breaking ceremony has now taken place.

Visualization of the planned new building in Wettingen (Source: Lägern Wohnen)

The Lägern Wohnen housing cooperative describes the renovation of its Klosterbrühl estate in Wettingen (AG) as a "project of the century". The ground-breaking ceremony for the project took place on December 1, 2023 - after a good ten years of planning. Klosterbrühl is one of Lägern Wohnen's oldest housing estates and no longer meets today's requirements. As renovation is not economically viable, a new replacement building is being constructed.

Specifically, a total of 127 old apartments will be demolished and 222 new residential units (2.5 to 5.5 rooms) will be built. The demolition of the buildings at Grubenstrasse 21 and 19, Winkelriedstrasse 53, 55, 57, 59, 61 and 63 and Siedlungsweg 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 will begin with the start of the first construction phase. The first construction phase should be completed in 2025, the second phase at the end of 2027.

According to information from summer 2022, when it presented its plans, the housing cooperative expects to invest CHF 110 million. (ah)

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