Basel: Major "Nauentor" project delayed

The post office building at the SBB train station in Basel - popularly known as the "Rostbalken" - is to be used temporarily until at least 2027.

The various project perimeters at Basel SBB station (Image: Swiss Post)

The realization of the new Nauentor building at Basel SBB station has been postponed. This was announced by the project partners Swiss Post and SBB. On the one hand, the complexity of the dialog process required more time than originally planned, and on the other hand, the winning project study had to be coordinated with the planning of the expansion of Basel SBB station.

Swiss Post originally planned to carry out initial dismantling and renovation work in the post office building - the "Rostbalken" - from the end of 2024. This work is now to be carried out together with the main work. This will also delay the start of construction itself. The existing building is to be put out to tender for interim use until at least 2027.

In May, Swiss Post and SBB announced the winning design for their CHF 400 million new building plans at SBB (IB reported). The planned urban ensemble consists of a base building spanning the track field, supplemented by three high-rise buildings. The building complex is divided into three areas: one on the Gundeldingen side ("Festland Süd", SBB project), one above the tracks (middle section or Postreiter, Swiss Post) and one on the St. Alban side ("Festland Nord", Swiss Post). The work currently underway on the winning project study should be completed in the second quarter of 2024. Originally, this should have been done by the end of 2023.

As part of the Nauentor project, new apartments in particular are to be built, including affordable apartments, but also additional commercial space and a new, better connection between the two districts of Gundeldingen and St. Alban. (aw)

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