Bern: Baugenossenschaft Aare Bern tackles new construction project

Baugenossenschaft Aare Bern wants to build a large apartment building on Landoltstrasse. There is currently an old fire station on the site.

The Aare Bern building cooperative is planning a new building on Landoltstrasse (Source: davincidig - depositphotos)

Baugenossenschaft Aare Bern, which holds the building rights to Landoltstrasse 70, is planning an apartment building with around 30 units (mainly 2.5 rooms) and a daycare center on the plot. The old fire station, which is currently located on the plot, is to be demolished and replaced by a new building. The building should be ready for occupation in 2026.

According to the City of Bern, in order to realize the planned project, some building lines in the Schönegg development regulations will have to be adjusted. In addition, the construction of a footbridge connecting Wabernstrasse directly to the fifth floor of the new building as an obstacle-free alternative to the Schönegg staircase will be secured. The planning proposal is still open to the public until February 19. (ah)

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