Worb: New plans for Braui Worb
A new quarter is to be built on the current site of the Egger Bier brewery in Worb. The results of a prequalification show what this could look like one day.
Over the course of this year, the Egger Bier brewery and bottling plant in Worb (BE) will move to a new location near the SBB railroad station, after which the current Braui Worb site will be developed.
What the new quarter could look like is shown in a pre-qualification study won by Brügger Architekten from Thun and BBZ Landschaftsarchitekten from Bern. The study envisages retaining the buildings at Brauereiweg 1, 2 and 5 as well as the striking brewhouse. Only the northern extension at Brauereiweg 2 is to be replaced.
While the open spaces in the west between the brewhouse, ramp and Lädeli are to be designed as squares and alleyways, the planners propose creating a garden landscape in the east, in which four new buildings could offer attractive and quiet living space. This would ensure that the identity-forming character of the area is preserved. At the same time, the open spaces would become more interconnected and new, exciting spatial sequences and visual relationships would be created, according to a press release on the prequalification decision.
The study will be fleshed out further in a workshop process from the spring and a development and design concept will be drawn up. An indicative project will then be drawn up in the second half of the year. (ah)