Schaffhausen: Start of construction for "Waldstadt im Pantli" in sight

On the idyllic forest clearing "Im Pantli", on the border between Schaffhausen and Stetten, the start of construction for an extraordinary residential project is approaching - for the "Waldstadt im Pantli".

Waldstadt im Pantli naturnahes Wohnen
The "Waldstadt im Pantli" is intended to enable living close to nature (Image: ©Tend AG)

Halter AG has taken over the ambitious project from Dost Architektur GmbH, which developed it in recent years. With the "Waldstadt im Pantli", Halter intends to build 200 owner-occupied apartments on 47,600 square meters of land in unspoilt natural surroundings, close to the cantonal capital of Schaffhausen. According to the company, sensitively dimensioned, organic buildings with different wooden façades are planned, which will blend harmoniously into the surrounding nature. The more than 40 different types of apartments are intended to provide a broad mix for different living requirements. The sizes of the apartments, which are oriented on several sides and have rooms with plenty of natural light and a direct view of nature and the forest, range from 2.5 to 5.5 rooms; an integrated kindergarten and daycare center are also planned. Dost and Halter are paying particular attention to sustainability and environmental protection: the entire development will be car-free above ground; transport links will be provided by a new bus stop and direct access to the highway towards Schaffhausen, Winterthur and Zurich. Halter intends to start work on the project at the end of this year. In the first stage, 100 owner-occupied apartments are to be built, with the others following seamlessly thereafter. The construction time for the first stage is estimated at around two and a half years. If everything goes according to plan, the first apartments should be ready for occupation in 2026. (bw)

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