Altstätten: Start of construction for apartment buildings with offices

Fortimo is building 29 condominiums and two office studios in the canton of St. Gallen.

Überbauung Im Unterstein Altstätten Fortimo
One of the three buildings in the development (visualization: Fortimo AG)

In Altstätten (SG), Fortimo recently began construction of three apartment buildings with 29 condominiums. The "Im Unterstein" project also includes two office studios measuring 86.5 and 115 square meters in one of the three buildings. They are being offered as condominiums in a high-end shell construction. The apartments have 2.5 to 5.5 rooms. The buildings are connected to the district heating network. Photovoltaic systems will also be installed on two of the roofs.

Altstätten is a small town with around 12,000 inhabitants in the Rhine Valley, not far from the Austrian border. (aw)

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