Untersiggenthal: Supermarket opens in new development

A complex with 72 apartments and two supermarkets has been built for the Asga pension fund in a central location in Untersiggenthal (AG).

Migros Denner Untersiggenthal
Migros and Denner have new spaces in Untersiggenthal (Image: Flickr)

Migros Aare has opened a new supermarket with 810 square meters of retail space in Untersiggenthal. The location is the newly completed "Zentrum Mardel" development on the corner of Landstrasse and Mardeläckerstrasse. There is also a Denner store and a pharmacy in the same building.

The developer of the development is Asga Pensionskasse. In addition to commercial space, the complex comprises a total of 71 apartments with 1.5 to 5.5 rooms of up to 132 square meters. It was built to the Minergie standard with a photovoltaic system on the roof.

The center also includes a triple gymnasium, a multi-purpose hall and a village square. (aw)

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