Rothenburg: Migros opens in new development

At the beginning of the year, the food retailer moves into a 420 square meter space in a residential and commercial building that is being built on a former restaurant site in Rothenburg (LU).

Migros Luzern Supermarkt
This is what the development should look like after completion (Image: zVg)

On January 30, the Migros Cooperative Lucerne will open a supermarket in the new development at the Bertiswil Rothenburg traffic circle, on the site of the former Kreuz restaurant. The sales area is estimated at 420 square meters.

Cerutti Partner Immobilien AG is the developer behind the new replacement building. According to previous information, it intends to retain ownership of the property and is constructing the two commercial basement floors in a high-end shell. Ten rental apartments with 2.5 to 4.5 rooms are planned above. (aw)

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