Zurich: "Riverbank protection" initiative fails at the ballot box
The initiators of the "Ensemble" project with a stadium and two high-rise buildings on the Hardturm site breathe a sigh of relief: if successful, the riverbank protection plans would probably have meant the end of the project.

The Zurich electorate has clearly rejected the so-called "shore protection" initiative. In the vote on Sunday, 67% of citizens voted against the plans, which would have severely restricted the construction of new high-rise buildings near the river and lake. The vote has direct consequences for a specific large-scale project in the city: the two residential high-rises that are to be built near the planned Hardturm football stadium would have been located within the perimeter of the ban. Depending on the width of the Limmat, no new building would have been allowed to be higher than 25 m in some places up to 200 m away. The city council had spoken out against the initiative and submitted a counter-proposal for bank protection. This no longer contained a ban on high-rise buildings and was accepted.
The request for riverbank protection caused a great deal of discussion in the city. Many saw the vote as another referendum on the planned and controversial football stadium. If successful at the ballot box, the ban on high-rise buildings would probably also have prevented the stadium project. After all, the high-rise buildings are considered an indispensable part of the financing concept for the planned arena. According to a report in the NZZ in the run-up to the vote, there were indeed committed opponents of the stadium among the initiators of the riverbank protection initiative. Although this initiative was not successful, the wait for the stadium project will probably continue: Due to appeals, construction is not expected to begin until 2026 at the earliest.
Well over 600 apartments planned
On the Hardturm site, which was once the venue of Zurich's Grasshopper Club until 2007, developer HRS is planning 570 rental apartments in two high-rise buildings as well as 174 non-profit apartments and studio and commercial space in addition to a football stadium. Credit Suisse Funds AG and Credit Suisse Investment Foundation are on board as investors for the East and West Towers. The plans for the "Ensemble" project were drawn up by Caruso St John Architects and Pool Architekten Genossenschaft. The plot area of the site to be built on measures 54,620 square meters and, according to earlier information, the total costs amount to CHF 675 million. The project has repeatedly been brought before the courts and has been put to the ballot box twice. IB last reported here. (aw)