Köniz: Hotel rents in the "Q72" project

According to Thomasgraf AG, the marketer of the 19,000 square meter property in Köniz, the first users have already been determined.

The "Q72" (Image: zVg)

Some of the tenants in the planned commercial property "Q72" have been confirmed. According to Thomasgraf AG, which has been commissioned with the marketing, the Danish company Zleep Hotels in particular has signed a contract for the smaller of the two buildings and intends to build a hotel for its chain with 136 rooms as well as a lobby and breakfast area. Rental agreements for the main building have been signed with Sanitas Trösch and a company from the electrical industry. Fitness provider Cleverfit will also open a large gym at the site. "The diversity in the Q72 will significantly shape and enrich the new dynamic in Niederwangen, and we are proud of that," says Thomas Graf.

The "Q72" is being built in the Juch-Hallmatt area in Niederwangen. At the same time, the canton of Bern is building a new police center with 1,400 workplaces on the site of the cantonal development focus.

The building applications for the two "Q72" buildings are being processed by the authorities and have been published. Alta Vista AG and HRS Investment AG are responsible for the future Q72 project as the client and project developer. HRS Real Estate AG is responsible for implementation. GIM Architekten AG is acting as general planner. The handover for the tenant fit-out and start of operations is scheduled for the third quarter of 2027. Once completed, the complex will have two basement floors and four upper floors. According to architect Stephan Gauer, one of the main objectives when planning the 19,000 m² rental space was to achieve a high degree of variability in use.

The concept of the building is to cover 100 % of its energy requirements from renewable energy, which is to be made possible by district heating, photovoltaic systems, system separation during construction and the use of ecological building materials. (aw)


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