Davos: "Joseph's House" in new splendor
The former sanatorium "Joseph's House" and later Mountain Hotel in Davos will reopen as a three-star superior hotel in the 2024/2025 winter season after a year and a half of renovation.

Josephs House, built between 1902 and 1903 as a lung sanatorium for the Dominican order, has been run as a mountain hotel by Bergbahnen Davos Klosters AG since 2007 and has been undergoing a refurbishment since April 2023. The exterior appearance, the Art Nouveau façade including the characteristic balconies, was gently renovated in order to preserve the charm of the building. The interior of the building was completely renovated and the hotel's infrastructure brought up to date. Each of the 71 rooms now has its own bathroom, which was made possible by adding a storey to the rear part of the building. The hotel now also offers four suites and an apartment with its own kitchen, as well as a 200 square meter spa area, a fitness room and over 240 square meters of event space, including the appropriate infrastructure, which can be used for seminars, events and as a co-working space. "The Chapel", a room in the former house chapel on the top floor, is to be used as a location for larger events. According to the hotel industry trade media, the investment volume for the conversion amounts to CHF 20 million. (bw)