Pratteln: Approval at the ballot box for "Bredella West"

The referendum resulted in a clear majority of the population in favor of Ina Invest's large neighborhood project.

Quartierplan Bredella West Pratteln
View of the Bredella site, for the western part of which a district plan exists (visualization: Bredella AG)

The population of the municipality of Pratteln (BL) has approved the Bredella West neighborhood plan with a clear majority. In June, the residents' council had already very clearly in favor of the neighborhood planbut a referendum was submitted against the decision. "We would like to thank the municipality for working with us as partners, as well as the political parties and everyone who has campaigned for a yes vote on the Bredella West neighborhood plan in recent months and weeks," says Marc Pointet, CEO of Ina Invest. He announced that he would continue the dialog with the authorities and the population.

The Bredella site is located directly next to Pratteln railroad station. Ina Invest intends to transform the property, which is currently used for commercial and industrial purposes, into a neighborhood in several stages. The aim is to create "high-quality outdoor spaces and inspiring combinations of flexible, compact and sustainable living, working and residential space". The development of the site is also intended to help connect the existing neighborhoods north of the railroad tracks.

Ina Invest acquired the Bredella site through the takeover of Ceres Group Holding AG at the end of 2021. The first step is to develop the western part of the site. This could include the construction of two high-rise buildings. A residential share of 70% is to be realized in the development. (aw)

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