Groundbreaking ceremony for the "Esplanade" project in Biel/Bienne

The groundbreaking ceremony for the "Esplanade" residential development in Biel has been held. Developer Dr. Hans Widmer and Priora Generalunternehmung are building a total of 160 apartments as well as office and commercial space on the east construction site of the Gaswerk site.

Roland Schlegel (Priora), Erich Fehr (Stadtpräsident Biel), Dr. Hans Widmer (Bauherr), Raffael Brogna (Priora), Marco Graber (Graber Pulver Architekten; v.l.n.r.; Foto: Priora))
Roland Schlegel (Priora), Erich Fehr (Mayor of Biel), Dr. Hans Widmer (Client), Raffael Brogna (Priora), Marco Graber (Graber Pulver Architekten; l.t.r.; Photo: Priora))

The project by the architectural firm Graber Pulver Architekten AG features different types of apartments: 74 condominiums will be built in a long wing along the Esplanade, a large public square. In the other wings of the development, 86 rental apartments (2.5 to 4.5 rooms, various studios) will be built. Two attic floors will be built facing the esplanade. The areas are to be ready for occupancy from autumn 2018.

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