Bern: SPS plans conversion of Schönburg Castle

The "Bund" reports on Swiss Prime Site's plans to convert Schönburg, the former headquarters of the Swiss Post, into a residential and hotel complex. According to the building application, the cost is CHF 140 million.

SPS plant die Umnutzung der Schönburg in einen Wohn- und Hotelkomplex (Bild Swiss Prime Site/
SPS plans to convert the Schönburg into a residential and hotel complex (Image Swiss Prime Site/

Bern's Schönburg, built in 1970 and the headquarters of Swiss Post until 2015, is to be converted into a complex with around 150 apartments and a hotel with 150 rooms. In addition, a 1,000-square-meter supermarket for neighborhood supply and a fitness center are planned in a new annex building at the corner of Viktoriastrasse and Aargauerstalden.

According to information from the Confederation Swiss Prime Site is currently negotiating with the future operators of the supermarket and the hotel. The major retailer is Migros, which is currently examining whether and in what form an operation could be realized in the Schönburg. According to the newspaper report, it is still unclear who will operate the business hotel in the north and east wings of the building. Speculation that it is the German budget design hotel group Motel One, as it has already teamed up with SPS in Basel and Zurich, was not confirmed by the hotel group's media office, however. (ah)

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