Basel: SBB and canton plan new city quarter

A new urban quarter is to be created in the northern part of the Wolf freight station in Basel between the Gundeldingen and St. Alban districts. SBB, as the landowner, and the canton of Basel-Stadt want to clarify how the area could be used in the future in a study commission process starting in spring 2017.

The Wolf planning area covers around 16 hectares (Photo: Canton Basel-Stadt)


The site between Gellertdreieck and the SBB track field covers around 16 hectares and is currently home to rail facilities and logistics operations such as Freiverlad, City-Logistik and a container terminal. Since it is becoming apparent that certain uses can be relocated, the SBB and the canton want to use the freed-up space for urban development and integrate the Wolf site into the urban fabric of Basel.

An urban planning study commissioning process with several teams is therefore to start in spring 2017. Statements are expected in particular on the potential for use and the possible mix of uses.

A vision developed by SBB and the canton for the Wolf site envisages a dense urban quarter with a variety of uses as part of a phased development under the title "work smart - live urban". Accordingly, logistics uses traditionally anchored in the Wolf site are to have their place just as much as office or service areas, residential space, gastronomy and green spaces.

The target concept states as a framework condition that the existing buildings, some of which are worthy of protection, are to be treated with care. Great attention is also paid to a sensible traffic development of the site: Individual parts of the site should be low-car and well connected with the neighboring quarters.

According to the information provided, events are planned in the coming weeks with the current tenants on the site as well as with neighborhood organizations and interest groups in order to find out their needs. The results of these events will be incorporated into the planning process.

The study commissioning process is expected to last about one year. The results of the planning teams will serve as the basis for feasibility studies. Subsequently, SBB and the canton of Basel-Stadt intend to decide on the future development of the Wolf site in an urban development framework agreement. (ah)

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